Thursday, March 3, 2011

Two Ways to Say the Same Thing

One way: "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." Romans 3.23

Another way:

Lyrics here.

"We were meant to live for so much more. Have we lost ourselves?" The line from Romans, and the lyrics of the song communicate much the same thing. 

Paul, the author of Romans, uses the Greek word doxa for the English word glory. In Classical Greek, doxa means "opinion" or "way of thinking." But Paul doesn't use it that way. He uses doxa as a way of communicating the Hebrew word kavod, which means "weight or splendor."

Both Paul and the song are saying: we were created to experience the substance, the full weight of the life God meant for us to live. And we missed it. All of us have missed it.

The difference is that Paul flat out tells us this, while the song asks us if it is true. Have we lost ourselves? Are we living life the way we were meant to?

Paul's statement comes right in the middle of a story. It fits there. But it shouldn't be taken from that story and left to stand on it's own.

Questions though, might be able to stand on their own. I love being asked questions because I feel empowered. I feel that the person asking the question actually cares what I think. It's so much better to allow people to come to conclusions on their own.


Charlie's Church of Christ said...

I've been truly missing your posts Brandon - I really did look forward to them. And you've returned with a bang. Christians have most definitely lost the art of poetry (save a few, such as Jon Foreman), and I love what you have to say about asking questions. whew!

Brandon said...

Thanks Charlie! Your words are super affirming!