Saturday, August 13, 2011

Their World

There are multiple creation stories in the Bible. Most are familiar with Genesis 1 and 2, but Job 38-39 and Psalm 104 also speak of God's creative activity. 

Ps 104 has God setting the "earth on its foundations" and establishing boundaries for the mighty waters (cf. Gen 1.2). Water was a symbol of chaos in the ancient world and the Bible makes very clear that God controls all such forces. 

Foundations of the earth are also mentioned in Job's references to creation (Jb 38-39; cf. Is 48.13; Hb 1.10).  When we investigate these passages on their own turf, without projecting our understanding of the cosmos on them, we get an image of the ancient world that looks like the picture below:

You can see in the image the "highest heavens" and the "waters above heaven" (Ps 148.4). Notice the dome of Gen 1.6-8, "Let there be a dome in the midst of the waters that separate waters from the waters."

When we look at this image we see a world very different than our own. Which makes perfect sense because the Bible was not written "to us" but is written "for us." 

We recognize that this means that to get the most out of our Bible reading, we must study the world of the Bible. In doing this, we see that God spoke to people according to their understanding of the world. 

This is yet another example of God meeting us right where we are; of him being intimately concerned with our lives and wanting each of us to know him in a way we can comprehend.


Charlie's Church of Christ said...

it's almost funny how we read the creation story with evolution lenses - as if that was even on the radar screen thousands of years ago. For crying out loud they didn't have radar!

Brandon said...

Taking the time to read the Bible for all it's worth is so worth it! Thanks for your comments CH!