Friday, December 10, 2010


You aren't wealthy enough, powerful enough, smart enough, pretty enough, handsome enough, talented enough, skinny enough, strong enough. You aren't enough.

This is the message of our culture. We are surrounded by images and ideas that highlight our inadequacies. We live in a world where people would empty their bank accounts to purchase something like this:

Next to the side effects, my favorite line in the ad is: "There is very little on earth that NZT can't solve."

We should all strive to be better human beings, as we are all flawed, but no amount of money, fame, talent, beauty, strength, or pills, will satisfy, until we come to peace with who we fundamentally are. For that we can turn to the Bible.

Psalms speaks of God knowing us "before we were born" and says of us that we are "marvelously made." And Genesis tells us we are the pinnacle of God's creation, made in God's image.

God intends to counter the message of our culture by telling us that we are enough, by loving us just the way we are, with all of our failures, limitations, and brokenness.

Next time you look at a magazine rack at the supermarket, don't compare yourself to the airbrushed depictions of reality.

Instead take comfort in knowing that you, just as you are, bear the image of the Creator and let that image shine brightly.


Charlie's Church of Christ said...

one of my biggest beefs (?) with the church is that in an attempt to sell salvation we send the sinners the message that they aren't enough - making it just another commercial and depressing message like all the others

Brandon said...

That kind of thinking reflects a Genesis 3 beginning to the redemption story and not one that begins in Gen 1.