Saturday, December 11, 2010

Fill Your Tank

By the time you are thirsty, you are already dehydrated. In fact, most of us are dehydrated all the time. The key to maintaining proper hydration is taking time to drink. 

The symptoms of dehydration include: dry skin, headaches, muscle cramps, dizziness, blurred vision, and rapid heart rate. Dehydration also negatively affects a person's mood. 

The idea is that you were made to be filled up and when you lose even 1-2% of your water volume, you lose your ability to function properly.

The struggle to keep ourselves filled up is not limited to hydration alone. We are constantly being depleted on a number of levels. The key to a healthy life is taking time to fill ourselves up. Setting aside time, either daily or weekly, to stop and recharge.

This can take many forms: for some it will be a time to be still, pray, meditate, read, or just listen; for others it will be activity: like running, biking, or hiking. It is probably best to do this alone, but not all of us recharge while alone, so do what is best for you.

The Bible calls this time shabbat. It's what God did after creating the world and what he commanded his people to do after their escape from Egypt. It is sometimes incorrectly translated "rest" but actually means to "cease from working." Shabbat is a break in the routine; a time to fill the tank back up.

Are you setting aside time to renew yourself? Oddly enough, the symptoms of a depleted body are similar to those of a depleted soul. Begin your practice of Shabbat today.


Charlie's Church of Christ said...

but Brandon! Time is money, and if we take time off we won't make money!

I like that it isn't rest - as in sitting around doing nothing. When I worked 70 hours a week I'd spend my only day off each week skiing - because I needed to do that to refill.

Brandon said...

Marissa and I just finished skiing at Vail....we feel refreshed :)